Friday, March 7, 2008

RSS & Bloglines

I signed up for a bloglines account in November of 2006... and I hardly use it... Maybe it's just me, but it seems like there are SO many web 2.0 neat tools, that there's almost too many. You have to find out what works for you and what doesn't. Honestly, I think the things I use the most are pushed at me -- and sent to my email. Maybe if bloglines sent a weekly or monthly email to me, I'd be more likely to use it. As it is, I don't use it so much. When I get around to logging on, I find that some of the blogs I subscribed to have 200+ entries. Becuase that's just overwhelming, I go straight to those with the fewest new posts...

I supposed if you allocated part of your work day/week to catching up on this kind of stuff, it'd be useful.

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