Friday, March 21, 2008

Item 15: Tagging and Folksonomies - LibraryThing and Goodreads

These two sites have been my favorite sites thus far. My bookclub already had a group on Library Thing (but I dind't have an account) so I made one there first. I also made an account on Good Reads. I think I like Good reads better; I liked the ability to make a list of books I want to read (my "to read" bookshelf) and then sort it by other peoples ratings of the books (this can help prioritize which books to read next). I didn't like that LibraryThing is only free for the first 200 books; I can easily see that filling up very fast! I dind't see and fees for good reads, but maybe I just haven't come across it yet!

My profile on Good reads is:

My profile on Library Thing is:

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