Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Item 13: Tagging & Folksonomies -

I watched the Social Bookmarking in Plain English video and thought it did a very good idea of explaining the idea of, tagging, and social bookmarks in general. I also like the way the video was made (not sure what it's called, but was cute!)

I viewed the tutorials Us.ef.ul: A beginners guide to, scanning it mostly, becuase I already have a account, and know about how it works. I also peeked around the isdesk account to see it (saw it months ago at a supervisor or branch day demonstration).

I created my own account at the time I did (Nov. 06) after a "keeping it up" workshop on technology. I had imported my bookmarks from my work desktop and after tagging most of them, haven't used it all that much. When I set it up, I thought of it's usefulness being more due to the ease of having access to all your links from whichever computer you are on. Since most of my 'work' work is done at the same computer, it was just plain easier to make bookmarks! Maybe coming back to it now, I'll find more use...

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